Sunday, December 30, 2012

Blue Ringed Octopus


Original work. I traced the outline of my hand (above) and then drew in the octopus to fit. Then the transfer could be laid in segments where appropriate. It was a tricky tattoo due to my very stretchy mobile skin. Full marks to my tattoo artist, Justin.

Transfer and inking in progress. And, yes, it was the most
painful of any of the tattoos as the bones were hammered
with the inking needles. Felt and sounded like I was being chisled.
It also bled the most. But I wont post that.

An hour after being inked.

Realising that tattooing right along the fingers and over joints can cause the tatts to bleed out like the scorpion's tail end due to excessive movement I planned ahead and decided to keep my hand immobilised until the swelling went down. And my wrist and fingers bent so that when the tatt dried and scabbed it would not split the tissue. I scar easily even with small scabs due to my connective tissue disorder. Also applied sorbolene lotion. Wrapped
the hand at night to keep the lotion from coming off and in the bent position.

And, boy, did my hand swell up. In order to keep any infection that might arise at bay I submerged my hand in iced water for some minutes three times a day. And also in very hot water being careful not to scald myself. The knuckle bones also undergo damage along with the skin so it is a very traumatising area for a tattoo and not to be undertaken lightly.

A year along and I am happy with the minimal running and/or fading of the ink
over the knuckle areas and no running at the wrist bend. I am sure the immobilising helped as did the cold and hot bathing. I'll get some different shades of blue felt pens some day and post another picture of it filled with colour.

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